Name: Elite
Price: 20.00 EUR

- Elite prefix (chat)
- Ability to join full server
- /pets gui (*chicken, pig sheep only)
- /trails
- /emotes
- /hat
- /afk
- /nickname

- Elite Crate keys
- Ability to receive XP transfers
- Color codes in anvils/on signs
- Armor Stand editor (flint)
- Own public warp
- /sethome (8x)
- /enderchest
- /craft
- /feed (+ other players)
- /heal (+ other players)
- /ext (+ other players)
- /clearinventory
- /disposal
- /suicide
- /exptransfer give levels/points
- /skull (*player head required)

- Worldedit
- Redstone
- Three extra plots (4x)
- Color codes in anvils/on signs
- Armor Stand editor (flint)
- /p merge
- /p set biome/main/wall/home
- /enderchest
- /craft
- /clearinventory
- /disposal

- Ability to receive XP transfers
- Color codes in anvils/on signs
- Armor Stand editor (flint)
- /is sethome (8x)
- /is team invite (10x)
- /enderchest
- /craft
- /feed (+ other players)
- /heal (+ other players)
- /ext (+ other players)
- /exptransfer give levels/points